Mixing and Matching Color:
Using 15 examples of found color, create perfect matches to the color using your paint. Create 15 neat matching swatches and place and adhere adjacent (must touch) to the found swatches for comparison. Each sample of found color and it's matching swatch should each be approximately 2" square, though need not be a square this time. You may fit several pairs on a page, depending on how many will fit.
Desaturating the colors with their compliments (as in Project 1/Part 1) plays a very big role in color matching.
Be wary of very thin magazine stock, the colors will be very hard to match as colors bleed through from the back side. Also be wary of using certain hues, such as fluorescent or iridescent colors are not matchable with the palette that we have.
Due beginning of class on Monday, February 7. Please hang these on walls when you arrive.